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【2018-10-10】会议议程 | 首届天津大学-九州大学联合经济学研讨会


会议预告 | 首届天津大学-九州大学联合经济学研讨会

The 1st Joint Tianjin  University-Kyushu University Workshop on Economics


Venue: Lecture  Room 3C, Building 25A, Tianjin University, Weijin Campus

Date:  October  10, 2018

Organizers: Ma  Yinchu School of Economics,  Tianjin University, China

Urban Institute, Kyushu University,  Japan


8:40—8:55  Opening remarks

ZhongXiang  Zhang, Founding  Dean and Distinguished  University Professor,

Ma Yinchu School of Economics, Tianjin University,  China

Shunsuke  Managi, Director and Distinguished Professor, Urban  Institute, Kyushu University, Japan

8:55—9:05  The appointment ceremony of Shunsuke Managi at the Ma Yinchu School of  Economics, Tianjin University

9:05—10:05  Keynote address

Chaired by ZhongXiang Zhang

Shunsuke  Managi

Inclusive Wealth of Nations

10:05—10:35  Coffee  break

10:35—11:55  Morning session

Chaired by ZhongXiang Zhang

HanJoon  Jung, Ph.D. in Economics from the Pennsylvania State University,  Associate Professor

Corruption  Effect on the Labor Market and Low Economic Growth

Shuichi  Tsugawa, Ph.D. in Economics from Toulouse School of  Economics, Kyushu  University

Envy-free Pricing for Excludable Public Good

11:55—13:30  Lunch break

13:30—17:10  Afternoon session

Chaired by Shunsuke Managi

Wataru Nozawa, Ph.D. in Economics from the Pennsylvania State University, Assistant Professor, Kyushu University

Board Composition, Corporate Environmental Policy, and  Corporate Financial Performance

Wei  Jin, Ph.D in Economics  from the Australian  National University, Associate Professor

Green  Paradox and Stranded Assets

Coffee break 14:50—15:10

Moinul  Islam, Assistant  Professor, Kyushu University

Valuing Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services: An  Inclusive Wealth Approach

Akinori  Kitsuki, Ph.D in  Economics from University of  Minnesota, Associate  Professor, Kyushu University

Welfare Impacts of Rural Electrification

ZhongXiang Zhang

Allocating Carbon  Responsibility: The Role of Spatial Production  Fragmentation

17:10  Concluding remarks

18:00  Dinner

有意参会者, 烦请发邮件通知下列两位担任会务的同学 (便于安排茶歇):

刘妍            18222136790      liuyan_tx@126.com

张钟毓        13602068676      531404926@qq.com
