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WIREs: Climate Change┃张中祥:后巴黎时代中国的气候承诺是否足够严厉?


2017年发表在Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change卷8第二期上的 Are China’s climate commitments in a post--Paris agreement sufficiently ambitious?文章(A4 10页),讨论了从1997年日本京都以来气候变化国际谈判主要议题、分歧点演变及其中国从京都到巴黎、巴黎峰会间和后巴黎时代的立场和角色。指出在气候谈判中中国逐步从一开始的边缘配角向中心主角转变,中国对巴黎峰会已做的贡献和为促使巴黎大会达成有雄心、有力度和全面均衡的协议,在减排长期目标、资金、透明度、盘点机制等诸多关键问题上,在体现中国承诺的严肃性和维护发展中国家利益的同时展现灵活性和做出的让步。文章也讨论了后巴黎时代全球和中国的重点以及中国的承诺是否足够严厉等议题,这些都将影响后巴黎时代后续气候变化国际谈判的结果和能否实现把温升控制在2度以下的理想目标。

我也曾就这些议题应邀为《China Daily》(中国日报)撰写了两篇文章,分别以 “China’s tough options on climate change” (2015年12月11日)和“Trump casts a cloud over climate deal”(2016年11月25日)为题,发表在《中国日报》欧洲版、非洲版和亚太版上

巴黎第九大学经济系Patrice Geoffron教授曾来函,告知他、法国Climate Economics Chair研究平台科学委员会主席、巴黎第九大学经济系Christian de Perthuis教授和意大利Boconni大学经济系Luigi Di Paoli教授为美国经济学会Econlit收录的Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment期刊主编以Implementing the Paris Agreement主题的特刊,希望收录我这篇论文。后回函告知这篇文章是篇约稿,不能再发表,同意在约定的时间以“The implementation of the Paris Agreement in the International and China’s Context”为题再撰写一篇新的文章供收录。

据Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change网站介绍,2016年该期刊因子为4.571,位列SSCI环境研究类下105期刊第五位。该刊仅发表应编辑邀请撰写的文章。我的这篇文章就是应斯德哥尔摩大学政治学教授Karin Bäckstrand邀请撰写的。


Are China’s climate commitments in a post--Paris agreement sufficiently ambitious?

ZhongXiang Zhang  


In international climate change negotiations, China's role is an issue of perennial concern. In particular, the lack of quantitative, absolute emissions commitments from China has often been the focus of this concern. In line with changing domestic and international contexts, China is recalibrating its stance and strategy. Its participation in international climate change negotiations has evolved from playing a peripheral role to gradually moving to the center. This article examines China's stance and role in international climate change negotiations from a historical perspective. In so doing, the article discusses the evolution of international climate negotiations and China's stance in the lead‐up to and at the Paris conference. With Paris behind us, the focus is now turning to the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The article discusses post‐Paris focuses, generally in the international context and in particular in China's context. They both affect the outcomes of post Paris subsequent negotiations and hold the key to actually achieving desired outcomes. WIREs Clim Change 2017, 8:e443. doi: 10.1002/wcc.443.


International climate negotiations; Copenhagen Accord; Paris Agreement; China



