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Resource and Energy Economics┃靳玮 张中祥:技术国际扩散对能源技术进步影响的机理分析


澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院大学校长博士后研究员(Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow)靳玮和天津大学管理与经济学部经济学特聘教授张中祥合作的“论技术国际扩散对能源技术进步的影响机制” (On the mechanism of international technology diffusion for energy technological progress, Resource and Energy Economics, Vol. 46, pp. 39 - 61.),与其他6篇文章一起收录于2016年11月出版的Resource and Energy Economics 第46卷

这篇23页基于索罗经济增长模型和罗默要素多样化内生技术变化模型探讨技术国际扩散对技术进步影响机理的纯理论文章,由Resource and Energy Economics责任主编、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management主编、理论经济学家Till Requate教授负责评审,领域内最顶级学者提出了非常有挑战性评审意见,经过两年四轮修改后接受发表。

张中祥指出,他们这篇纯理论文章估计被领域内一位最顶级学者(担任过经济学Top5期刊的一位副主编)“缠住了”。第一轮修改后其他两位评审都已满意,后面三轮就是一直针对这位评审的意见(这位评审同意修改的部分,但同时对新增修改部分又提出意见。第三轮修改完寄出一段时间后收到责任主编Requate教授回信,告知“The paper is almost over the line. But I still cannot let you go”,因为Requate教授讲这位领域内的“重要人物”仍有一些小建议。)。张中祥强调,理论文章最难得的就是有好的负责任的评审人提出非常好的批评建议,不管是否建议接受。他指出,他们这篇文章就得益于领域内顶尖学者的修改建议。虽然发表过程曲折,但四轮修改后最终版本比第一稿质量显著提高,文章中的模型比Resource and Energy Economics原主编、荷兰蒂尔堡(Tilburg)大学经济学系Sjak Smulders教授的更完善、更能反映现实,也有向长期均衡的动态模拟。

Resource and Energy Economics自1978年创刊起,在最近调整主编前,一直由学院派担任主编,一年出版四期,每期收录几篇文章,评审极其严格,被欧美大学经济学系公认为能源资源经济学领域最顶级刊物。







On the mechanism of international technology diffusion for energy technological progress

Wei Jin, ZhongXiang Zhang


As a needed methodological complement to the existing large-scale complex policy modelling for energy technology diffusion, this paper contributes to an analytical exposition of the fundamental mechanism of international technology diffusion (ITD) for energy technological progress. We offer two different and complementary perspectives to explore the dynamics of energy technology diffusion and progress. We first develop a Solow-type efficiency-improving model of energy technological progress which is described by improvements in primary energy-augmenting efficiency. We further provide a Romer-type variety-expanding model of energy technological progress which is represented by the expansion of differentiated varieties of primary energy technology blueprints. Analysis based on two different models reaches consistent results: there are potential forces in the world economy - working through ITD - that pull individual countries to advance energy technology, ensuring a cross-country convergence in the growth rates of energy technology in the balanced growth path. While ITD plays a role in a cross-country convergence in technological growth rates, cross-country differences in the efficiency of undertaking indigenous research and the capacity of absorbing foreign technology spillovers would lead to a cross-country divergence in the absolute levels of energy technology.

JEL classifications

Q55; Q58; Q43; Q48; O13; O31; O33; O44; F18


Energy technological progress; International technology diffusion; Endogenous technological change; Multi-country models
