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Climate Policy┃张中祥 崔亚蕾 张增凯:基于年龄的中国家庭碳足迹研究


天津大学马寅初经济学院创院院长、卓越教授张中祥和指导的博士研究生崔亚蕾与厦门大学张增凯教授合作的论文“Unequal age-based household carbon footprint in China”近期被SSCI公共管理类期刊Climate Policy接受,并在线发表。据该刊网站介绍,该刊接受率为20%;据2022年6月发布的Journal Citation Reports, 2021年该影响因子为6.056,位列SSCI公共管理学科49种期刊第4位。







Unequal age-based household carbon footprint in China

ZhongXiang Zhang, Yalei Cui & Zengkai Zhang


Controlling household consumption is an essential means to achieve carbon neutrality in China, and population ageing has an important impact on its structure. Since older people exhibit different consumption patterns than younger people, an increase in the proportion of aged people affects overall consumption patterns. This paper adopts an input–output model to reflect the heterogeneity in the consumption structure and household carbon footprint of different age groups, followed by a simulation of the future household carbon footprint. The results find that in China, the total household carbon footprint shows an inverted U-shape with age, with the lowest total carbon footprint coming from aged households (age of household head 65 and above) and the highest total carbon footprint from middle-aged households (age of household head 45–54). The average household carbon footprint decreases with age, with aged households remaining the lowest. Aged households, however, have the highest share of the direct carbon footprint. Interestingly, urban households of all ages have a higher carbon footprint than rural households, with the largest difference being among aged households. The projection results show that based on demographic changes, although the average household carbon footprint of elderly households in China is low, as the number of elderly households increases, the total carbon footprint of elderly households will be sizable and need to be taken seriously.

Key policy insights

· The total carbon footprint of elderly households will become more significant and sizable as the number of elderly households increases.

· Urban life is more carbon-intensive, and China’s urbanization is leading to an increase in the carbon footprint.

· Aged households require more attention in future climate policies.

· Targeted, consumption-based climate policies are necessary for carbon reduction in China and will have relevance in other countries with similar consumption structure and demographic trends, e.g. with ageing or rapidly urbanizing populations.

To cite this article: ZhongXiang Zhang, Yalei Cui & Zengkai Zhang (2022): Unequal age-based household carbon footprint in China, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2022.2132200.

