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张中祥院长第六次在欧洲组织政策会议 讨论贸易与气候政策协调



张中祥将主持两小时的政策讨论欧洲环境和资源经济学家学会终身成就奖(政策实践)获得者、欧盟委员会气候司原司长、欧洲大学学院欧洲投资银行讲席教授Jos Delbeke博士,EAERE候任理事长、意大利Siena大学副校长Simone Borghesi教授,政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)第三工作组(气候减缓工作组)共同主席、德国波茨坦气候影响研究所所长兼首席经济学家Ottmar Edenhofer教授,围绕气候变化和国际贸易规制,《巴黎协定》下国家自主贡献中的贸易元素,碳泄漏与碳排放边境调节,气候俱乐部,包含高碳排放材料消费的碳定价,气候变化政策与WTO条款兼容问题,欧盟《绿色协议工业计划》《净零工业法案》、美国《2022通胀削减法案》、欧美日关键矿物原料协议、《全球可持续钢铝协议》的贸易影响等议题进行交流和讨论。

A short description of the theme and its policy relevance

Toenhance synergies between the climate and trade regimes, this policy session will address issues that include but are not limited to: climatechangeand international trade regulation; trade elements in countries’ climate contributions;carbon leakage and export concerns in carbon border adjustment mechanism;climate clubs at the intersection of pricing, technology investment and trade; subsidies and tax credits for clean(net zero)technologies in the EUGreen Deal Industrial Plan; trade implications of key eligibility requirements of the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 for tax credits related to battery components and critical minerals sourcing in electric vehicle supply chains; and implications ofcarbon-based sectoral arrangements between the US and EU, e.g.,the Global Arrangement on Steel and Aluminum.

The Organizer and Chair

Professor ZhongXiang Zhang, China Country Representative, EAERE; Founding Dean and Distinguished University Professor, Ma Yinchu School of Economics, Tianjin University, China; Director, China Academy of Energy, Environmental and Industrial Economics, China


Professor Simone Borghesi, President Elect EAERE; Vice Rector, University of Siena, Italy; Director FSR Climate - European University Institute, Italy

Professor Jos Delbeke, Former Director General for Climate Action, European Commission, Belgium; EIB Climate Chair,European University Institute, Italy

Professor Ottmar Edenhofer, FormalCo-Chair of IPCC Working Group III;Director and Chief Economist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany; Professor at Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Professor ZhongXiang Zhang, Dean and Distinguished University Professor, Tianjin University, China; Director, China Academy of Energy, Environmental and Industrial Economics, China

贸易与气候政策是上世纪九十年代张中祥教授在荷兰格罗宁根大学经济学院和法学院工作起一直关注和研究的领域。1998年在经济学和法学国际杂志 (Journal of World Trade)上发表了第一篇论述有关拟建的温室气体排放交易体系和现有世界贸易体系相互作用的学术论文从经济学与关贸总协定、世贸组织运行机制等法理角度,分析了发达国家在实施碳排放交易政策时,出于对本国产品国际竞争力的考量,对来自没有实施碳排放限制的发展中国家的进口产品征收内涵碳排放边境调节税(即碳关税),从而与世贸组织条款发生冲突。

从那时起,张中祥一直在从事这方面的研究,在经济学和法学国际期刊Journal of World Trade、The World Economy、International Review of Environmentaland ResourceEconomics、Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics、International Economics and Economic Policy以及联合国贸发会议(UNCTAD)旗舰刊物Trade and Environment Review、Research Handbook on Environment, Health and the WTO发表了约300页这方面的文章,是世贸组织(WTO)和联合国环境署(UNEP发布的权威报告《贸易与气候变化》被引用最多的作者之一

贸易与气候政策领域张中祥的专著Trade and Climate Change: Focus on Carbon Leakage, Border Carbon Adjustments and WTO Consistency《国际贸易与气候变化:聚焦碳泄露、碳排放边境调节和WTO一致性》2018年8月出版。该专著是应主编范德堡大学世界顶级经济学家Kip Viscusi教授和编委、美国环境和资源经济学会理事长、加州大学圣地亚哥分校经济系主任Richard Carson教授邀请撰写,收录Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics (微观经济学基石和前沿)。该期刊每篇应邀撰写的文章是对当今某一微观经济学领域最前沿研究状况的评论和分析,每篇文章独立成为一期,既当学术杂志又当书独立发行,深受经济学家欢迎。自2005年该期刊出版以来,出版了11卷,每卷4期在不同年份出版。张中祥这本专著是该期刊收录的首位来自欧美之外机构、首位亚裔的著作,是张中祥著、主编的22部英文学术著作和国际学术期刊之一。
