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Annals of Operations Research┃靳玮 张中祥:产品同质化、知识外溢和创新:为何能源技术较IT技术进步慢


澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院大学校长博士后研究员(Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow)靳玮和天津大学马寅初经济学院卓越教授、院长张中祥合作的理论文章“产品同质化和知识无外溢的悲剧:能源部门技术进步速度缓慢的经济学解释”(The tragedy of product homogeneity and knowledge non-spillovers: explaining the slow pace of energy technological progress), 近期在管理科学领域侧重方法的顶级刊物Annals of Operations Research正式发表,文章刊登在卷255,639-661页。这是继“论技术国际扩散对能源技术进步的影响机制” (On the mechanism of international technology diffusion for energy technological progress, Resource and Energy Economics, 卷46, 2016年,39 - 61页。)之后,靳玮和张中祥合作发表的第二篇理论文章。







The tragedy of product homogeneity and knowledge non-spillovers: explaining the slow pace of energy technological progress

Wei Jin, ZhongXiang Zhang


There is a growing body of literature mentioning the slow progress of energy technological innovation as compared to information technology (IT), but the reasons why the energy sector is perplexed by slow innovation remain unexplained. Based on a variety-expanding endogenous technological change model, this paper investigates the economic mechanism that underlines the slow pace of energy technological progress. We show that in the market equilibrium the growth rate of energy technology variety is always lower than that of IT variety, this outcome stems from both the market fundamentals where the homogeneity of end-use energy goods is less likely to harness the pecuniary externality embedded in the love-for-variety household, and the technology fundamentals where capital-intensiveness of energy technology assets inhibits the non-pecuniary technological externality associated with knowledge spillovers. We further show that the social planner allocation can raise the rate of technological progress in both energy and IT sectors, but still fails to achieve an outcome in which technological progress in the energy sector can catch up with the IT sector. Finally, using efficiency-improving revenue-neutral policy interventions that subsidize energy sectors and tax IT sectors, the decentralized market equilibrium can achieve an outcome in which both energy and IT sectors have the same rate of technological progress.

JEL classifications

Q55; Q58; Q41; Q43; Q48; O31


Energy technological innovation;Product homogeneity;Knowledge spillovers;Love-for-variety effect
